Sunday, July 17, 2011


THE MEXICAN WOLF is the smallest gray wolf subspecies in north america , that reaches a overall length of 12 to 15 metres 3.9 to 4.9 ft , and a hight of around 80 centimetres 31inches its about the hight of a german shepperd the weight is from 27 to 37 kilograms 60 to 70 pounds in stature it resembles some of the europeon wolves, all though  its head is brouder, and its neck is thicker, and its ears are longer and the tail is shorter

until recent times the mexican wolf ranged the deserts from central mexico to western texas, southern new mexico and arizona by the turn of the 20th century the reduction of the pray like deer and elk caused wolves to start attacking livestock wich led to efforts by the government and individuals to eradicate the mexican wolf, hunters also killed the wolf because it hunted deer,  there efforts were very successful, by the 1950s the mexican wolf had been eliminated from the wild ,  and in 1976 the mexican wolves were declared a indangered subspecies and as remained so , it is estamated that 340 mexican wolves suvive in 49 facilities  in the united states and mexico ,

reintrodution to the southwest

in 1997 , controversy arose when a captive pack at carlsbad caverns national park designated for release was found by roy mcbride, who had captured many wolves for the recovery programe in the 1970s , to largely composed of wolf- dog hybrids , all though the staff initally argued that the animals odd appearance was due to captivity and diet, it was later decided to euthanise them,

in march on the 30th 1998, government biologists released 11 gray wolves 3 adult males and 3 females pups and yearlings and to male pups , from a chain- link acclimation pens within the 18. 130 square kilomatres 7000 sq ml,  federally designated lue range wolf recovery area in east central arizona and new mexico by 2008

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